Our Policies
Risk Assessment and other policies
The Trustees and Committee members have reviewed the charity’s exposure to risk. They have reviewed the cover provided by their insurance policy and consider it sufficient to meet any claim that might be made on the Society by reason of its legitimate actions. Any changes in the level of protection provided by our Insurers will be brought to the attention of Trustees and Committee members.
The objects of the charity comprise campaigning for the amenity of the area known as Woodford Green.
The production and distribution of an annual newsletter carries little risk. Distributors of the newsletter who also solicit subscriptions are not encouraged to accept cash but ask subscribers to complete bank payment forms. Any one soliciting subscriptions, will carry identification authorising them to make the request.
Social and fund raising events – WGAG will adhere to the conditions of hire of any premises and the organisers will assure themselves that the premises are fit for the use they want to make of them.
Ad Hoc Seasonal Sales – the organisers will ensure they have the permission of the owners of any place where they hold a selling event and agree that it is suitable for the purpose.
Outreach events such as Litter picking. Volunteers will be provided with hi vis jackets, litter pickers, suitable plastic bags and frames. They will be given written advice as to how to handle detritus (wearing gloves, not attempting to pick up broken glass or other dangerous materials), a contact telephone number for the organiser and where filled bags should be placed when they finish. The organisers of the Litter Picks should record all the names of the volunteers and their telephone numbers. Minors must be accompanied by an adult and where there is no family relationship, the written consent of the parent to the minor taking part in the Litter Pick. Identified Vulnerable Adults should also be accompanied by a known carer.
Conflicting Interests
Trustees and Committee members should declare any conflicts of interest arising as they arise before a matter is discussed at a committee meeting.
Complaint handling
Any complaints made against the actions of the Group or its members acting on its behalf should be put in writing to the Secretary (thewgag@gmail.com) and Chairman (thewgag@gmail.com) who will consider the matter and if necessary engage the services of a professionally qualified Mediator.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I)
We aspire to ensure that ED&I permeate all our activities and do so by attention to the following:-
We will ensure that our membership and all activities are open and accessible to all, and that they do not discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of any of the following characteristics, Age; Disability; Civil partner/ marital relationship; Gender reassignment; Pregnancy & maternity status; Race; Religion or belief (including lack of religion); Sex; Sexual Orientation; Socio-economic status.
We will be mindful in our planning and activities of the changing demography of the area as indicated, for example, by the surveys of the Office for National Statistics.
We will ensure that all those who organise any activities, whether or not they are members of the Group, uphold these principles when organising any event or acting on behalf of the Group.
When we employ or engage any organisation we will ensure that they have an appropriate ED&I policy.
Responsibility for delivery of this policy is vested in the Executive Committee. It will cognisance of its content in all its decision making.
Newly appointed Committee members will be furnished with a copy of this policy.
To ensure adherence to this policy on an annual basis the Committee will carry out an audit of all its activities, including a review as whether it remains fit for purpose. A summary of this audit will form part of the Chair’s report to the Annual General Meeting and will be included in the Trustees report to the Charity Commission.
Social Media Policy
To view the policy click here.
Safeguarding Policy
To view the policy click here